Account: SirKerensky
Main-character: 3sm3r4ld4
Alt-characters: none so far
My only char is a girl, but I'm actually a guy and you can just call me Felix if you like.
Level 52 Magic Bullet (MB) / SharpShooter (SS) - Gunner
I'll explain the name first of all, because it might be confusing to some.
I wanted to call her Esmeralda, but since that name was already in use
I simply put it in 1337 (google ftw) replacing letters with numbers.
So far it's all speed, after reaching 99 I'll put some points in Magic (to increase MB damage) and some in Luck for more critical hits.
I knew pretty much from the beginning, that I wanted both MB and SS.
Since the major expertises for both are Shot and Gun Knowledge they go together well enough.
As E is experiencing now, raising Demonolgy to Class 2 is a real bitch.
At the moment I have Destruction Magic at Class 1 and Bless at Class 1, giving me access to Curse of the Wretched (CotW). Since I don't really use it much I'm thinking about leathing off DM and Bless and raising Magic Control instead to increase the elemental damage of Magic Bullets.
I have Talk maxed out at Class 2-0 to be able to contract demons more easily.
Once I'll be able to use a Lilith soulstone (lvl 75) I'll lethe off Talk too.
My final expertise build will probably look like this:
Shot 9-0
Curse Magic 2-0
Demonology 2-0
Gun Knowledge 9-0
Magic Control 4-0
At the moment I have Shot 4-7 and Gun Knowledge 3-6 and although grinding Hua Pos at Home III is tireing it still feels great everytime I go up a rank. I'll use maintenance- and weekend-bonuses in combination with incences to gain some ranks in the next weeks.
I like my looks, but I don't really have any strong items yet, except maybe for my action bracelet (i SSed it with a Gaki for mor speed):
I finally decided to use the False Comp I bought a while ago today, even though so many people have a COMPrella (well, I guess it's because they're good). As Dori suggested I would very much like to SI it with a Move COMPrella if I can get my hands on one.
I've got a cute flower on my head, which so far does nothing but +2 Luck so it needs to be SIed with something too. I love the St. Hermelin outfit, although it doesn't really do much good and will eventually be SIed too. For guns I really don't know right now. Of course an Avalon-24 would eventually be nice, but I'm reluctant to spend a lot of money on a good gun, since repaircosts will be crazy too.
For now I'm mostly using the standard Type 54 because I love the looks of it and it's basically free.
When I need some more firepower I employ the GM-16 E made for me.
I'm planning to get the 3 Harpy Sisters Soulstone Set, Mithra, Hres and probably Pa Bil Sag for shoes in the long run. Items I really want to have:
Roping Scarf (too cute), Outlaw Glasses, a Christmas Citrine Ring and maybe an Astrocaster or what those guitars are called for the back. So if you see any for those on sale in bazaars pls tell me ASAP! ;)
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