After having a Kirin beer with my sushi yesterday I feel kinda compelled to write about this.
Kirin is apparently one of the biggest Japanese beer brands and I must say I really like it.
Unfortunately I didn't have my camera on me to take pictures of the bottle and the nice sushi,
but it looked something like this:
Apparently the Japanese (or foreigners that like sushi, I don't know) like to drink Kirin while eating sushi.
You probably all know the in-game Kirin, right now E, Dori, Ichi and I are slaughtering tons of them together with Kikuji in what feels like the 100th Ichi Gold run today. All thanx to Ichi!!
Just to make sure, here's a link to the Kirin page on the Wiki:
Kirin @ MegatenWiki
I must excuse myself for not yet finding the time to read the informations on Wikipedia about Kirin.
I just glanced over it, and it seems interesting, but instead of summing it up for you I can only give you the links right now and you'll have to read it yourself if you're interested :)
So here goes the collection of links related to Kirin the horse and Kirin the beer ^^
Kirin Holdings - the company that makes the beer
Kirin Beer @ Wikipedia
Qilin - the mystical creature @ Wikipedia
I would really like to ride Kirin (or Bai Ze) but it does seem hard to get a mount ring.
Here's what I found about that on the forums:
Pre-Intaglio Kirin
"Care Gift from either Kirin or Nimble Kirin. Amity level has to be at least trusting. Negotiation prize from normal Kirins (rare). "
I'll finish this post with some nice drawings of Kirins I found online
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